Thursday, July 31, 2008

Unsolved Mystery

So when we got in to work this morning, this is what we found...

This is our front desk - used to have glass on the top... it's gone now!
We have NO clue how this happened... somehow the glass exploded! It's from one end of the front room to the other, in side offices, and a few pieces even made it up some stairs... This is a complete mystery though. No one broke in, when we got here the doors were locked, alarm was set, and nothing is missing. 

So we call the glass company, and evidently they said that it is possible (however, unlikely) for glass to explode. We're just thankful that this didn't happen during business hours. Especially since there's always kids and pets here too! 

Has anyone ever heard of this, or are we the "one in a million" that this happens to??? 

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh Heck Yea!!!!

2 MILES...
I know it may not seem like a lot to you... but today I ran/walked 2 miles... don't even remember the last time I did that. Last week when I started all this nonsense, 10 minutes into a slow jog I thought I was going to die. So I'm pretty darn proud of my 2 miles!!! Maybe next week I'll even make it to 3! However, I have a feeling I may look something like this tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Perfect Push-Up

Just a quick note to everyone... these are the DEVIL! Whoever invented them should be shot.. Ok so not really. I guess they work well as bad as I'm hurting today. I didn't know I had muscles in some of these places, seriously!!! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time To Get Fit

Well, yesterday we signed up at Anytime Fitness, so now the fun begins. I will be doing the first month of this alone... Josh went to work this morning, and he has to work EVERY day (yes, even Saturdays and Sundays) 12 hours a day, until August 9th... So I'm guessing when he gets home every day, he'll probably eat & crash... at least I know I would. 

So my first weigh-in was this morning... 157.6 - That number must go down. I need a work out buddy, my only one I've ever had (my heart, Mrs. Tracie Crain) lives far away now, and is about to live even further! I will have Josh to go with soon, but until then I'll have to stick it out and go alone. So wish me luck - I'm going for my first time after work today... YIPPIE!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008







Monday, July 7, 2008


Since Josh and I have gotten married, our bodies have both changed, and I'm not talking about for the better! We constantly say "I have got to start doing something" and we never do. So I'm taking it upon myself for the two of us to START doing something. My search for a fitness center started today, and I have a few more to call tomorrow. There's really not a lot around us, of course there's the usual Anytime and Snap fitness, but I love classes - so I'm really leaning more towards this one called Franco's (I'm just scared to find out how much it is monthly).

Then there's the diet part. I'm not talking about some of the crazy things people do like only eating boiled shrimp and cayenne pepper, or not eating any carbs... I'm just talking about eating right. Like tonight, we had fried chicken tenders... this time next week, it will be grilled chicken tenders (without the honey mustard)... I'm gonna lean back towards Weight Watchers, for the simple fact that it makes me actually write down what I eat every day. I don't see Josh doing this part though. Actually, Josh doesn't even know about this yet!!!! I'm not sure when I'll tell him, maybe I'll just send him a link to this and say "Surprise Baby.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!"

But I'm doing this for the good of both of us. Health wise, we're not on a great path. We haven't even been married a year, and the "comfortable" feeling is setting in a little too much if you know what I mean... So this Sunday, I'm gonna weigh us, and every Sunday morning after that... and I'm gonna post it on here so (hopefully) someone will be able to hold us accountable for this!

Wish us luck, cause this time next year, we're gonna be the SEXY couple on the beach :-)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Ok so I've seen this a MILLION times, but it's on Comedy Central right now... and for those of you who have not had the wonderful experience yet, I introduce you to...


Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America!!!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation UNDER GOD, indivisible
With Liberty and Justice for All

Thank you for your sacrifice and for
dedicating your lives to making this a safer world.
You are in our thoughts and prayers today -- and every day.
We pray for your safe and speedy return.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's almost that time again....

Ok well I think #2 should be #1 - but that's just me!!!

Week One

Well, it's the end of week one at The Ad House, and I'M LOVING IT. It's really similar to what I was doing back at The Moran Group. This is a much smaller agency though, with just 7 people on staff, but we have LOTS of growing potential!!! Mostly automotive clients, with a few other randoms thrown in the mix. Very laid back and comfortable, feels like home to me! We have 2 office pets, Juicy and Addy. Juicy is a HUGE dog... not sure what kind, but standing on all 4's she comes up to my waist (on her hind legs, yea - she's taller than me!). Addy is a cute but very EVIL little sugar glider... All in all it's shaping up to be an amazing new journey for me!

This is Addy...

And this is Juicy... SMILING :-)