Friday, January 30, 2009
Bedrest to Hospital

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Prayers for Bobby
Bobby will be staying at Our Lady of the Lake for a few weeks. He has already gone through two surgeries and has a major one coming up today at 1:00. Bobby has an exterior fixator on his leg, holding his fractured bones together. In today's surgery, he will have a bone transplant, and then he will have muscle and an artery from another part of his body (they haven't determined where yet) and place it in his broken leg. After they will place a skin flap over the wounds.
After the surgeries, he will be recovering here for a while, thankfully he only suffered broken bones, stiches, and torn ligaments. If all goes as planned, Bobby will be back better than ever within the next year.
I ask that you please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers today. If you'd like to keep up with his progress or send the family an encouraging message, you can visit his webpage at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/bobbymiketinas.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Bedrest - Week 2
Anyways, the important information. The baby is doing good, and growing like he should be. His heartrate was good and he was wiggling around like crazy! It was so cute!!! I didn't get to take any pictures home with me though, so that was no fun. They're keeping me on bedrest though cause I'm still bleeding. So hopefully next Monday I will have stopped and can go back to work. It's nice getting to live in my PJ's, but I'd still rather be at work!
On another note, My Mom ROCKS! She came today to go to the doctor with me. She brought supper for tonight and tomorrow night, and she went grocery shopping for me for the week so Josh didn't have to go. She also did some laundry and cleaned up around here... LOVE YOU MOM!!! You're the absolute best there is!!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I got an AWARD!!!!
So here it goes!!!!
(1) Our Baby...
Not knowing what's going on and why certain things are happening to my body are driving me crazy. So I constantly (and probably too often) Google any and all questions I can think of. It's probably not the smartest thing to do, since a lot of the answers are worst case scenario ones, but I guess it's better to be informed than surprised, right?!?!?
(2) LSU Football
I know Tracie had this one too, but if you live in South Louisiana, it's hard not to be!!! I used to be in love with LSU Gymnastics too, but then we moved away and I don't get to go to the meets anymore with Tracie :o( *tear* LSU Football is addictive, and there's absolutely nothing like a Saturday night in Tiger Stadium. The rush you get when the band marches onto the field just sends chills down my spine!!!
(3) My TV Shows
Even though I never get to watch them on time (my DVR stays full) there's some that I just cannot go without... Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, NCIS, Flashpoint... OH and Friday Night Lights starts up again tonight!!! WAHOO!!!!!
(4) Random Cravings
I know this one is broad, but there's not just one thing. I hear it's a pregnant woman thing, but like I'll think of something or hear someone talking about something, and I have to have it. It's such a wierd feeling... Like last night, for some reason I just really needed a brownie! Thankfully my Husband is amazing and helps me with my cravings, especially since I'm on bedrest and can't do a whole lot for myself!
(5) Cooking
I don't do it as often as I used to, but I love to experiment. It's so much fun to try new stuff, even if some of it does lead to ordering Domino's for supper!!! Now Josh is a MUCH better cook than I am, and he like to experiment. My absolute favorite is when we're both in the kitchen. It's so much fun hanging out and doing that together!
Ok, so now to pass this award along...
Kassie @ The Fabuluous Life of Kassie & Bryan
Melissa @ New Girl on Post
Monday, January 12, 2009
Bedrest AGAIN :-(
Well I had a follow-up visit with my doctor today. She said rather than put me in the hospital, she was going to put me back on bedrest. I'll take bedrest over the hospital any day, even if it does mean a week of B-O-R-E-D-O-M! So I go back next Monday to see if things are better and I can get back to work. It's just so boring sitting at home, especially when Josh has to work. But Mom's coming to hang out with me on Wednesday (YAY!!!!!) and Josh has Friday & Saturday off, so at least I won't be alone the whole time. Guess I'll have a lot of internet surfing to do :-)
Oh and some not so fun news, the doctor told me today not to get my hopes up just yet on the boy. She said the hospital has been wrong before on what they said it was. For now I will still call it Hayden, cause I just don't like saying "it" - LOL! Hopefully during my ultrasound next Monday they can confirm and we'll know for sure it's a Hayden :-)