Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post(or as many as you want)
4. If you are tagged, do it and pass the tag along.
5. Enjoy
Here are some random facts about me.........
1. I've wanted to be a Teacher since I was like 5. I started college as an Elementary Education major, but changed to Marketing when I was a Sophomore. I'm going to go back one of these days and get my teaching certificate!
2. I've only gotten fired from 1 job in my lifetime... I was 18 and working at Smoothie King. I forgot to turn on the ice maker at the end of the night and we had to go buy bags of ice in the morning so we could make smoothies. I got fired at the end of my shift :-(
3. When I was about 17 some friends and I got into a wreck. The car that rear ended us hit us so hard that it spun around and ended up in the parking lot of a restaurant on the side of the road. We get out to see what's going on and all of a sudden we hear gun shots and we all hit the ground. The car that rear ended us was actually running from the cops. Just my luck... So instead of a fun night with friends, we all ended up downtown at the police station, being quesioned and having our statements taped cause, lets just say, things didn't turn out so great for the guy running from the cops.
4. My family used to have a house on in Pensacola Beach, FL (which is where #3 took place). We'd go there 3 weeks out of the summer and I miss those times terribly to this day. Even now I want nothing more than to move back there and live forever! (and take my mom with me of course!)
5. I was the BIGGEST dork in grade school & high school... seriously, I was the one that got picked on... but it's all cool now cause I think I had a pretty amazing college journey and I met some amazing people along the way!!!
6. Josh and I are trying to get pregnant... we've both always wanted boys... I say boys because twins run in both of our family's! My dad is a twin and his grandfather is a twin... lovely right!!! Well after going to Disney World and seeing all the little girls in their Princess dresses and getting all excited about Cinderella... Now I want girls! I haven't even told Josh yet, not that it matters because it's not like we get to choose what God gives us!
Ok so that was mind racking... and now it's my turn to tag!!!! So, I tag
Kassie @ The Fabuluous Life of Kassie & Bryan
Brandy @ Not Quite the Brady Bunch
Melissa @ Hanging with the Lapsley's
Jen @ Keep it Classy
Lindsey @ Learning to be a Wife
Melissa @ New Girl on Post
I enjoyed reading those fun things about you. I cannot believe the ice story at Smoothie King! I admit I had to laugh a little bit about buying the bags of ice.
Oh and can I just say I love Walt Disney World too. :)
Thanks for tagging me, I'll have to get some random things out tomorrow.
I enjoyed the random things about you, very interesting! And thanks so much for the tag! You are such a sweetheart!
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