Well, family... friends... and anyone else who happens to stop by and read this post... Please join me in welcoming the newest member of our family, Chance!

1. Are we crazy, we're going to have a newborn in a few months?
Yes, we are crazy, and we plan to love every minute of it!
2. What does Kujeaux think?
Well, he's not too thrilled. He played with him for a bit, then kinda looked at me saying "Ok mom, it's time for him to go home now." But he will still be master of his domain. As far as I'm concerned, Chance will never step foot (paw) in this house. A lab is an outside dog, and that's where he's gonna stay. (He's sleeping in the garage till the fence is complete!) So Kujeaux will be very pleased with that if nothing else!
Here's a few more pics from today of the new little man that I thought were too cute not to share!
Pulling out the driveway of his Mommy's house
This face broke my heart
But then about 15 minutes later he was all smiles
(I think that's a smile)
And just in case you're wondering about the name... it came compliments of our 4 year old neighbor Aidan. I asked what he thought I should name it, and he said Chance! We called him a couple different names for a few hours, but Chance just seemed to be the one that fit best!
I think he just PRECIOUS!!
I don't think you are crazy. I think getting him now is great! By the time Hayden gets here he will still be a pup & they will probably bond well & he will have two puppy brothers. :) And you will be in a house full of males! Oh & he is adorable by the way.
I also LOVE the ultrasound pic of Hayden w/ his feet by his head! :) Too cool! I am 27 wks along too & have a doctors appt next week & hope to get a new ultrasound pic(s) of Chloe, so I hope she does something to show off for us too, ha!
Glad things are going well for y'all.
OMG! He is sooo friggen cute! He's gonna be a big'un! And thank you for not naming him Buck!!!
Yay another lab lover!! Y'all are going to have a great time raising all of your boys!
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