So my cell phone I have right now is a MAJOR PIECE OF SH*T. I now have 3 broken keys, and it's the second one. The first one was exchanged through the warranty. Well come to find out, no one I know has been satisfied with the phone, so I'm not the only one.
Well, tonight after many, many text messages to my Beautiful friend Kassie who works for AT&T, Josh & I ordered new cell phones!!!! We went with the Samsung Blackjack II.
Well, tonight after many, many text messages to my Beautiful friend Kassie who works for AT&T, Josh & I ordered new cell phones!!!! We went with the Samsung Blackjack II.

And, one more big... HUGE

to Kassie... YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!
Congrats on your new phone!
I also wanted to say thank you for the nice comment you left about my pictures, that really made my day. You have no idea! :)
You are so welcome! You will not be disappointed! Well, I hope not anyway. It was great for me, lol.
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