Today was AWESOME! My momma came over to Covington and surprised me to take me out for a Birthday lunch. With her she brought a beautiful plant for my office and some YUMMY goodies... Snickerdoodle Cookies, Oatmeal Cookies, and Pralines!!! My mom is the BEST cook in the world, and she knows just how to make my pregnant belly smile! Then we went out to Acme Oyster House for some lunch...
Oh, and I had to share this pic too...

Then this afternoon at work I was surprised with cupcakes and song :-)
And also a gift certificate to
I can't wait to go shopping!!!!!
Aren't moms the best?! Love this picture, it made me laugh.
I've always wanted to go to Acme Oyster House. Do you highly recommend it?
Yay! I'm glad you had such a great day! I'm so jealous of your momma!!
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