Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Here's some random interesting facts for you about voting...
  • In Minnesota, people can register to vote on election day. This greatly increases turnout and was widely credited with Gov. Jesse Ventura's 1998 electoral victory.
  • In Oregon, all voting is conducted by mail. In many other states, absentee voters must sign a statement that they were unable to get to the polls on election day. Removing restrictions against absentee and mail-in voting are coming in several states.
  • Several communities with high immigrant populations allow Green Card holders (non-citizens) to vote in municipal elections. Municipal immigrant voting increases civic participation at a level that matters to residents, whether citizens or not.
  • In Cambridge, Massachusetts, the voters approved immigrant voting rights, but the State Legislature declined to enact the approved bill.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Thanks for the fun facts! I voted today!=)