Well, I've officially ordered my first baby item!!! The ever important... DIAPER BAG! I wanted to get something not too frilly so that Josh wouldn't hate carrying it around. And it had to be big enough and functional... you know with pockets, changing pad, etc... and this is what we found!

I'm still debating on whether or not to have his name embroidered above the logo on the bag. Josh said he doesn't like Monogramming, and my mom said not to in case we end up having baby #2... I tried to tell her that Hayden is going to be an only child, but she thinks we'll change our minds.. we shall see!
Ooo....I like that bag!! Go ahead and monogram the bag...By the time you have another, or if you have another you'll want a newer bag anyway!
Girl.... get it monogrammed! I have like 8 diaper bags with Braxton's name on them! No joke!! I guess thats what you get for having 3 baby showers thown for you! lol But they are sooooo cute with their name on them!! I say do it!!
LOVE the bag...and...definitely monogram it!
I went through several diaper bags with all my kids. If this is one you will use every day, it will be quite WORN before you have another lil' Banks.
I love it!! It's sooooo pretty!!!
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