I had
SO much fun today!!! Started off with lunch at Lager's, and then it was off to Babies R Us to register! As soon as we got there I hopped in my wheel chair, and I only got up 2 times while I was there to look at stuff. There's just some things you have to mess around with to make sure they're right for you! We are now 100% registered! I never thought you could find so much stuff in one place, and I also never realized how much stuff babies need. We will need a whole new house just to fit all this stuff!!!
The only thing we didn't find there was our
nursery furniture, which I had previously found at Burlington Baby Depot.

And this is the
bedding we picked out

It was a VERY fun filled day, and I finally feel like a human again! I've never enjoyed crossing the causeway so much in all my life! Cheesy, I know! So is it time for a baby shower yet, cause I'm soooooo ready to start decorating!!!!
I'm glad you got to have such a fun outing. Your things are so cute! I'm ready for a baby shower! I'm ready to get you some baby presents! I love shopping for babies :-)
Registering is so much fun!!! I am glad your doc will let you out for small outings!!
I love your bedding choice. If I were having a boy, that would probably be one I would pick too! :)
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