Today's outing... WAL MART!
No I didn't walk around, I sported one of these...

Me & mom went, and once I got the hang of the scooter, it was damn fun! It goes a little slow - there was a grandpa on his own Rascal, and he passed me up like I wasn't even moving! We had a blast... well, at least I did. So nice to get out the house. We got the usual, and then of course we had to go to the baby section, where we picked up this absolutely precious piggy bank!

Then there was the ever depressing conversation that we had about undies. Mine have gotten a little too tight to be comfortable. So we go to that section, and they don't sell maternity undies. Lovely... I know if I go buy the ones at the maternity store they will be retarded expensive, so I decide to just go up a few sizes in the ones I wear. Well, Mom picks up these pair that are
*ahem* plus size (this is where the tears start flowing). So we go through a small argument about whether or not they will fit. She says they will, I say no way - I mean, holding these things up, they looked HUGE. So we decide to just get one pack of 3 and see how they do once we get them home... I'm depressed to report...
they fit. It hurt so bad to type that, so I had to make it tiny... made me feel just a little bit better!
Aw honey! You are preggers so it's ok!
I'm laughing AND crying for you this very minute!!
You are rockin' on that scooter tho!!
Love ya!
You are tooooooo cute! You crack me up! At least you have a reason to be buying larger undies :-)
Oh, I would have paid money to see you driving that thing. You weren't talking on the phone at the same time were you??? Those poor innocent bystanders!! hahahaha!
Oh, btw did you see the pics of Marcie at her wedding (on my blog). Shes married!
And, we will be down for Easter.. WITH a car! Let's hang.. or sit. whatever! Love you!
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