Now I tag anyone else who feels like doing it too!!!

to Kassie... YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!
If you have no idea why we’re pondering that question today, go brush your teeth real quick and grab a drink (orange juice, iced tea, coke—anything except water). Awful, isn’t it?
You can thank sodium laureth sulfate, also known as sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES), or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) for ruining your drink, depending on which toothpaste you use. Both of these chemicals are surfactants – wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid – that are added to toothpastes to create foam and make the paste easier to spread around your mouth (they’re also important ingredients in detergents, fabric softeners, paints, laxatives, surfboard waxes and insecticides).
While surfactants make brushing our teeth a lot easier, they do more than make foam. Both SLES and SLS mess with our taste buds in two ways. One, they suppress the receptors on our taste buds that perceive sweetness, inhibiting our ability to pick up the sweet notes of food and drink. And, as if that wasn’t enough, they break up the phospholipids on our tongue. These fatty molecules inhibit our receptors for bitterness and keep bitter tastes from overwhelming us, but when they’re broken down by the surfactants in toothpaste, bitter tastes get enhanced.
So, anything you eat or drink after you brush is going to have less sweetness and more bitterness than it normally would. Is there any end to this torture? Yes. You don’t need foam for good toothpaste, and there are plenty out there that are SLES/SLS-free. You won’t get that rabid dog look that makes oral hygiene so much fun, but your breakfast won’t be ruined.
This is a quiz about your hubby! Let's see how much you know, and then pass it on to learn more about your friend's Hubbys!!!!
Here we go...
1. He's sitting in front of the TV; what is on the screen? CSI MIAMI... LAW & ORDER... THE UNIT... ETC
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? RANCH
3. What's one food he doesn't like? CHICKEN
4. You go to a bar. What does he order? BUD SELECT
5. Where did he go to high school? OUACHITA HIGH SCHOOL
6. What size shoe does he wear? UMMM.... 12?
7. If he was to collect anything what would it be? SHOT GUNS
8. What is his favorite kind of sandwich? BOLOGNA & CHEESE
9. What would this person eat every day if he could? HAMBURGERS
10. What is his favorite cereal? CAPTAIN CRUNCH
11. What would he never wear? A PINK SHIRT
12. What is his favorite sports team? HUMMM.... LSU TIGERS
13. Who is his best friend? JOSH... MATT... JEFF... NOT SURE HE HAS JUST ONE
14. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? WORRY SO MUCH
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? BROWNIES, NOT A CAKE PERSON
18. Did he play sports in high school? HHAAAA HAAAA... OH I HAVE TO ANSWER.... RODEO BABY!
19. What could he spend hours doing? HUNTING
20. What's his worst habit? HE DIPS.... YUCK!
Now it's your turn... I'm only gonna tag a few people... so here it goes!
Tracie @ Coffee with the Crains
Brandy @ Not Quite the Brady Bunch
Melissa @ New Girl on Post
The Tiger Bait Walk
Hundreds of fans line barricades, waiting on the Alabama busses. Immediately visible are five state troopers, eight sheriff's deputies and a crowd of prison guards. Two more cops are undercover, dressed as LSU fans. There are about 40 nine-millimeters around gate 12. One marshal has an earpiece, and he gets the word: Nick Saban and the Alabama Crimson Tide have left the hotel, with two Alabama troopers and three Louisiana troopers leading them in, lights shining and sirens blaring. A police helicopter circles above. Last night, LSU fans burned Saban in effigy at a pep rally. Nobody with a badge is taking any chances.
Finally, the busses pull up and cops rush Saban into the bowels of Tiger Stadium. LSU fans yell, "Tiger Bait." Alabama fans yell, "Roll Tide."
I'm not sure what it was like to walk into the Coliseum, but I bet it was something like this.