Thursday, February 26, 2009


The appointment today was interesting... Got there at about 9:20 for (what we thought) was a 9:30 ultrasound. Didn't get called back till about 10:15, and it was to an exam room, not ultrasound. So the NP comes in and tells me that the insurance company wants me to go to the hospital for the ultrasound. Lovely... nice wasted hour gone by! So I ask the NP about my outings question. I think the conversation went something like this:

Me: I was just wondering, since everything has been stable for a few weeks, if I would be able to have an outing per week. Nothing big, just to maybe go sit at a restaurant and have dinner or something.

NP: Well, it's pretty hot outside today. Supposed to get up to the 80's. So I don't think it's a good idea. But it's supposed to cool down later on in the week, so if you want to take a lawn chair out into your back yard and read a book or something, I think that would be ok.

I just sat there, blank stare on my face - did she listen to the question? I was at a loss for words. This of course came after she flipped through my file for a few minutes trying to catch up on my "status", and then couldn't find the results of last weeks ultrasound, and had to ask me if i remembered what they were. In her defense, I have a complicated case. But she knew that the doctor was on vacation all week and that she'd have to take any patients that elected to come in and see her, so you think she would have read up on them... NOT!!!!

So we go to the hospital, get checked in, get the ultrasound (this was no where as quick as that just sounded). Results come back and the ultrasound today showed that everything is about the same as last week. So we just keep on doing what we're doing... a whole lot of nothing! By this time it's about 3:00 and we haven't eaten yet. Josh had off today so we stayed up late last night playing Monopoly and slept in this morning. Got up just in time to get to the doctor thinking we'd just grab breakfast afterwards... boy were we wrong!!!

Needless to say, I made my next 4 appointments today to make sure I get to see the DOCTOR and not the NP. My next appt is Tuesday, and I plan on asking the outings question again. If she tells me no, at least I know she is up-to-date and will give me a better answer than i got today!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

It takes so long to find an OB you are comfortable with and then the NP has to come in and make everything all difficult!! (she could've at least looked at your chart before going in to see you!)At least your Dr. went on Vacay now instead of later! GLad you are doing well