Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ok, I know it's been a while since I've posted, so I apologize for this not being the nicest post in the world. But i had a HORRIBLE dentist experience today that I must share. I went in to have a few cavities filled. Well they can't use the regular novocaine (or whatever it is they use) cause I'm pregnant. So there's an alternative that doesn't last as long, but has the same effect. 

So she injects that and tells me to let her know if I start feeling anything and she can inject more. Well about 10 minutes into the drilling I just can't take it anymore, I was trying to tough it out but tears were starting to go down my cheeks at this point. So I raise my hand and she proceeds to give me more. This does not work. Then she gives me more... again, does not work. 

Here's the kicker. The tooth she was working on was the one on the TOP right of my mouth. After trying a few times and seeing that the deadening was not working, she decides she has drilled enough out to just put a temporary filling there. 

So they do that and then remove the ten or so instruments that are hanging out from my mouth and sit me up. Guess what I discovered at that moment, the BOTTOM of my mouth... completely numb, not the TOP, which is where she was working. 

When I asked her about it, she had no explanation. Her assistant said maybe I'm "wired funny". I'm sorry, but I've had cavities filled before and NEVER had this problem. Needless to say, I will not be going back there. 

I don't want to post the name on here, but if you live in the Covington/Mandeville area and would like to know who NOT to go to, please feel free to ask and I'll send it to you in an email!


Lindsey said...

OMG I had this similar problem with MY dentist and had to switch!

Kassie said...

You poor thing! Were they injecting in the bottom? I need to see some baby bump pictures soon!!

Anonymous said...

OK...so I don't live in Mandeville...BUT I USED TO!!! And maybe I went there before! OMGosh...I could have fillings falling out of my mouth.

So - email me the name, will ya?

Kelly said...

Would love to know the name of the dentist so I can AVOID them!! email me with the name and I reply back with some names of daycares for you!! kscarty@gmail.com
Love the Ultrasound pic of the lil peanut!!